You are being programmed for life from the moment of conception.  In short, you are receptive to the thoughts, words and feelings of everyone who even comes close to you before you are born!  As well as a receptacle to those who later hold you as an infant, or who becomes an authority figure in your life.                    
Your subconscious thinks in terms of pictures.  Your own mental library begins to form from your first moment of consciousness, and remains with you the rest of your life.
The best part of your mental library is this: you may take down any book, video, or audio tape that holds your programmed beliefs and erase any portion of the program or belief that isn’t good for you at that particular moment in your life.

Remember this: when you are re-creating your new beliefs, you control what you retain and what you want to erase.  Your subconscious doesn’t care what you introduce into it- it is a servo-mechanism – designed to serve whom it believes is its authority figure.

As you learn how to control the way you want to believe – subconsciously, you may change the parts of yourself that have resulted in being exposed to parents, friends, siblings or anyone else who had an effect on your life.  Your belief system is made up of a pure form of energy that constantly pushes you toward the reality that controls the way you react to your life.  You can change these thoughts easily through spaced repetition, self-hypnosis or working with a Hypnotherapist to recreate the subconscious beliefs you want to live by.

Our subconscious beliefs form our personal feelings, weaknesses, biases and realities.  To change your life consciously, you must first reprogram—your subconscious mind.  Don’t blame the way you were raised.  That may be why you are the way you are today, but you have a choice, and you can change your beliefs of attitudes.

In order to receive all the good that is due you, first you must express the faith of a child.  This may be asking a lot of you, but true success will be denied unless you show this small faith in yourself to attain, maintain and expand your goals subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

With the A.S.I.S.T. Auto-suggestion, Immersion, Systems & Training, you will find the success you desire.  You’ll be able to change your beliefs that were given to you from the moment you were born.  No individual is single-minded.  You are multi-leveled in mental programming and in your subconscious beliefs.  You may have come from a background geared to material success, but which didn’t program you for intimate relationships, so in one area of your life you are extremely successful, only to fail in another area.

Through persistent and consistent use of the method you choose to change your subconscious beliefs, you will create a belief system that is complete and develops a stable reality.  As you begin and finish your journey through your mind, you will be fascinated by what makes you really run, and by having the choice to create a whole new thought pattern with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

The subconscious mind is the shaker and mover of your reality.  Like a master director, it sets up what it perceives to be reality.  The sad part is, the reality will remain intact as our own firmly held beliefs until you have the insight and courage to change it.

This reinforcement of our beliefs continues until we leave home to marry, go to school, or to find a job.  Although many people try to undo the damage of their childhood events, with self-talk or some form of therapy that doesn’t include changing their subconscious beliefs, the pain and failure of continuing to live in the same patterns – defeat them.  Finally, they decide to follow the path of least resistance. At least they know their enemy. Although pain is painful.  Why risk the possibility of learning how to cope with a new unknown pain?  A cut on your hand will soon heal and the scars will disappear, the pain in the emotional mind is never-ending.  It will keep you awake nights, cause you to lose or gain weight, and will ruin your health unless it is corrected.  It is up to you to use your subconscious to change the pain to a well feeling.

I often feel that, when a person writes affirmations or says them to themselves over and over again  – i.e. I WILL GET THAT NEW JOB without creating a new subconscious belief system that supports the affirmation, the moment the short-term memory part of the brain moves on to something else, the positive affirmations become lost in a sea of defeat.  Affirmations don’t last unless they are supported by the proper belief system.  They are lost; much like a voice that echoes through a mountain disappears in the vastness of space.  When the echo is finished, the voice is never heard again.

When the brain’s short-term memory frees the affirmation that is not supported by a subconscious belief, it is never again heard in any portion of the mind.  If you practice self-talk—that is, saying over and over to yourself the same affirmation—without creating a belief system that supports your affirmation, you set yourself up for the echo syndrome.  Our inner voice – is only reading the script of our subconscious beliefs. The inner voice doesn’t change until you change your subconscious scripts. So, you program yourself for self-defeat.


As you use the A.S.I.S.T. Auto-suggestion, Immersion, Systems & Training to access your right brain, you will establish a series of new subconscious beliefs, creating a physical, mental and spiritual reality that will attain, maintain and expand your goals subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

Using the A.S.I.S.T. Auto-suggestion, Immersion, Success Techniques, you will reset your subconscious beliefs as you reprogram yourself to believe you now can, and do, attain, maintain and expand your goals subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and joy. 

 Using the A.S.I.S.T. Auto-suggestion, Immersion, Success Techniques you will program a solid reality that is stable, not a short-lasting reality that is artificial and will not stand up to real-time living.

The A.S.I.S.T. Auto-suggestion, Immersion, Success Techniquesdaily exercise to help you create a positive subconscious belief that you are financially secure. 

Or you may just use the hypno-wheel daily, which helps go into an altered state of consciousness – to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Each morning before starting your day – write the following Statement of Fact – 7 times;

I now truly believe I can and now do draw to me, the people who now help me attain, maintain and expand a solid financial and emotional base that grows stronger each day.  I attain, maintain and expand this belief, subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

Each evening – before retiring- write the following Statement of Fact – 7 times;

I now am enjoying drawing to me, the people who now help me attain, maintain and expand a solid financial and emotional base that grows larger each day.  I attain, maintain and expand this belief, subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

After you have written your Statement of Fact – visualize or imagine yourself – as NOW BEING OK – having the Inner Belief that you know that you will be OK. 

A fact to remember: The last thing you think about at night is what your subconscious mind works on all night. Think negative thoughts as you are drifting to sleep – you wake up a mess in the morning.

Think positive thought – whether they are true or not (your subconscious mind doesn't care) you'll wake up – ready to go with speed, ease, comfort and joy.