Week Two

Including the daily exercise to help you create a positive subconscious belief that you are financially secure. 

None of us came into this world with a set of attitudes or beliefs.  By   the time we reached the age of eight, we had all of our primary beliefs set into our subconscious.  Our parents who, with love but with or without direction, had no idea what they were doing to their children in the name of proper behavior placed many of these beliefs there.

 I think about my husband who passed away. He was the son of an old Eastern Society family, the product of artificial insemination (he was wanted by his mother and father needed an heir), graduate of the best boarding schools. Who during his adult life was the bain of his families existence when it came to living the lifestyle his family had trained him to live.  Rather than go into the family business – he was off snake hunting around the world. He joined the Merchant Marines during WWll, came home with tattoos, and the once he had not been home – for four years.  He drove home to New Canaan – rang the front door bell, the maid answered. When he saw his mother (he was in his driving clothes) – she said, “Victor, you know that you aren’t dressed properly rather than I have missed you so.” All of this life, he rebelled against his programming, by what his family called outrageous behavior, yet he had a major drinking problem.  He would be sober for several months or years – than for no apparent reason – he would begin to drink up the world. One afternoon, we were in our suite at the Waldorf – he had gotten mad at me. Rather than say so, because he had been programmed as a child that loud speaking or any show of emotion was forbidden – h e sat on the side of the bed and very lightly – with his fists closed – tapped the bed with both fists. What he had done was create what I call a public personality – that coped with his conscious life, but inside that subconscious programming that he had received from conception to 6 –8 years of life – drove him crazy inside. 

Once a child is programmed, the subconscious mind provides the motivation and energy that the child uses to create his physical realty connected with his/her individual beliefs.  As a child gets older the beliefs strengthen, creating the reality the child will live with the Inner Beliefs as an adult.  This reality will be carried with the individual to the end of his life unless he learns to reprogram those beliefs.

 Negative programming is something that must be changed if you are to learn the true path to success.  This requires a step-by-step approach to reprogramming new beliefs and goals, making the commitment to yourself that you follow the proper method until you attain and maintain your goals with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

 Commitment to yourself is the most important first step to ATTAINING, MAINTAINING AND EXPANDING your goals.  Since your subconscious mind has been programmed for a long time, the change will not be immediate.  Your subconscious mind will strongly resist your first attempts in an effort to discourage you.  It is at this precise moment that you must make a conscious effort to honor your commitment to yourself if you are to win the victory.


The A.S.I.S.T. Auto-suggestion, Immersion, Success Techniques daily exercise can help you create a positive subconscious beliefs that you need to change your life.  

Or you may just use the hypno-wheel daily, which helps go into an altered state of consciousness – to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Each morning before starting your day – write the following Statement of Fact – 7 times;

I now truly believe I can and now do draw to me, the people who now help me attain, maintain and expand a solid financial base that grows larger each day.  I attain, maintain and expand this belief, subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and joy.

Each evening – before retiring- write the following Statement of Fact – 7 time;

I now am enjoying drawing to me, the people who now help me attain, maintain and expand a solid financial base that grows larger each day.  I attain, maintain and expand this belief, subconsciously, consciously, physically and spiritually with speed, ease, comfort and

After you have written your Statement of Fact – visualize or imagine yourself – as NOW BEING OK – having the Inner Belief that you know that you will be OK.

A fact to remember: The last thing you think about at night is what your subconscious mind works on all night. Think negative thoughts as you are drifting to sleep – you wake up a mess in the morning.

Think positive thought – whether they are true or not (your subconscious mind doesn't care) you'll wake up – ready to go with speed, ease, comfort and joy.