by  Vladimir Lisenkoff, Russian Healer, MD (retired)

A.S.I.S.T.  Heart Power Techniques  helps us focus on how we can listen to our hearts message. As we learn to listen to our heart, we can begin to change its message. Using Heart Power Techniques can  help us change our stinking thinking, as it begins support our new  positive emotions, and helps us control our minds and physical body.

Scientific Facts

1.  Scientists  know that the heart sends neurological information to the brain and the rest of the body.

2.  Research has found that through the pulse, the heart sends energy in the form of blood pressure waves. It has been observed that changes in the electrical activity of brain cells occur in relation to the blood pressure waves.

3.  The heart communicates electromagnetically and on a biochemical level with the body.

Here are three of the Heart Power techniques:

    that will help you through the day, the year and your life.

INNER HEART VIEWING. Helps you create a shift in your perception of the situation. This technique  purpose is to create a definitive, peaceful and contented shift in how you view a situation, including the people involved.

1.  Start to breath deeply and slowly until you begin to feel your heart and body shift. (With about 10 breathes this shift will happen automatically). During the deep breathing, close your eyes, begin to focus your attention on  your heart. Keep your attention there for at least ten seconds. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly. 

2.  Keeping your eyes closed, do a  mind and body scan directed at your heart. Asking these questions of your heart; what  parts of my mind and body  are  effected by  my present situation? What can I do to shift the situation? Your  heart will answer intuitively.

3.  Continue focusing on your heart, remembering  a positive time that your heart sang. Imagine and feel every happy detail of the event. 

4.  Now shift the happy feelings you have created unto

the situation that has you upset. In spite of yourself – you'll begin to feel a positive emotional shift.

You'll feel or hear something – don't expect a lighten bolt to strike you. You will feel calmer. There may be several things that will happen: you acknowledge  something you already know, or you may have that "ah experience" that includes a complete perspective shift, seeing the situation in a more balanced way.


REMEMBER you may never have control of the situation, but you do have the ability to control your perceptions of any thing that is happening in your life.

RE-INVENTING INNER SELF  -gives you the tools to understand and control/manage your emotional state. It gives you the ability to "re-invent" the emotions you have lived with for years.

1. Think about and let your feelings flow through you about the situation. Now do another heart, body and mind scan to see what all three are feeling about the situation.

2. You must become objective about the situation.  Imagine that you have stepped out of the your thoughts and feelings. Pretend it is someone else's problem. Looking at your situation through an objective pair of eyes, you can say to yourself – "In a hundred years who is going to care"? This helps you begin to re-invent yourself to be able to pull the plug on the emotional charges connected with your situation. 

3. Now you can begin to direct your feelings and  emotional energy that are out of balance, to your heart. Feel your heart gladly accepting these emotions. Than leave them and your heart alone – so that your heart can work for you. Like anything else the more you practice this the easier it becomes to do. 

   Re-inventing Yourself -takes more time and directed thought. When you leave situations with your heart you must give it time to work through all of the emotions connected with the situation. You are moving to a deeper level within your heart which has the ability to shift your perceptions rather than suppressing them.

RE-FOCUSING INNER PERCEPTIONS  – Is a great – QUICK POWER HEART CONNECTION – when you are struck in a situation and need a "hit of heart power". Rather than fixing something, Heart Lock-In is about experiencing your heart at a deeper level.

1. Start to breath deeply and slowly until you begin to feel your heart and body shift. (With about 10 breathes this shift will happen automatically). During the deep breathing, close your eyes, begin to focus your attention on  your heart. Keep your attention there for at least ten seconds. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly.

2. Get into the positive feelings of love you have or had for someone or pet. Re-experience those feelings. Work on maintaining those feeling at least ten minutes. Don't worry if your mind wonders, just pull it back to those positive love feelings. 

3. Now imagine you are sending those positive love feelings to yourself, the situation, other people or the world.  
In ten minutes, the Re-Focusing Perceptions Technique will give you that peaceful easy feeling that comes from physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation.